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St. James' Glastonbury
Episcopal Church


Please Support The Stewardship Annual 

Campaign Through Your Gift of Intention


It's October!!! Fall Harvest time is here! Apples! Peaches! Pumpkin Pie! Although most of us are no longer tied to daily labor in the garden and field to earn our daily bread. But especially in Glastonbury and our surrounding communities, we certainly appreciate the farmers' labor reaping the abundance at the grocery store and the farmstand. This year's annual campaign theme is Rooted in Abundance. Please click the link below to read the Stewardship Committee's letter.


If you have not already done so, please think and pray about your own gift of intention to support the ministry at St. James'. This coming Sunday is Ingathering Sunday, please bring or submit your pledge card to Church by that date.


If your card has been lost, stolen or strayed, extras are available on the oval table in the Atrium.


Jeannette L. Brown


Letter from Stewardship Committee Oct 25, 2023