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St. James' Glastonbury
Episcopal Church

Pastoral Care

The Pastoral Care Commission involves an incredible group of Christian volunteers who share their time and talent within St. James’, and the community at-large. The Rev. Matt Handi provides pastoral oversight. Contact the church office for more information.  The ministries include:


This team consists of a group of volunteers who make and distribute meals or substantial food items (soups, pies, breads, etc.), to support the members of St. James’ and their families, and also to members of the community at-large in need of a nourishing meal. Many of our volunteers provided food for Faith in Action events such as Carol’s Closet, the blood drives, and Lunch in the Park.

Prayer Tree

This group of volunteers prays daily from a list of people in need of prayers due to illness, family issues, mental health problems or any other reason. This list is private & not discussed outside of the group.

Notes for Parishioners

Handwritten notes are written by this team and sent to people within the St. James’ community who need a note of cheer at a difficult time.  

Shawl Ministry

The Shawl Ministry is a thriving ministry whose volunteers who meet at St. James on the second Tuesday of each month, and provide beautifully hand-knit items symbolizing the warmth and support of Christ, throughout St. James’ community (local and statewide), as well as the far reaching regions of the United States.  Once made, these knitted items are blessed during a church service, and given in times of celebration (e.g. birth of a new baby) and in times of grief or suffering (e.g. a death, an illness). The hope is that each recipient may find comfort, and know that the parishioners of St James’ have him/her in our prayers.

 Lay Eucharistic Visitors

The Lay Eucharistic Visitors  bring Holy Communion from the Table at church to those who are not able to attend church services.  This ministry provides a double blessing:  the person we visit is fed spiritually with the bread and wine and the minister is blessed with the fellowship of the parishioner.  We meet as needed during the year to review and pray for those on our list, and to coordinate visits.