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St. James' Glastonbury
Episcopal Church


The church ushers have so many wonderful ways that they help us be a community of faith.  The Usher is usually the first person who greets people as they enter the sanctuary.  Their smile and welcome help put a newcomer at ease and indicate the kind of community we are.  Ushers work to make sure everyone in the congregation is comfortable and can best enjoy the service by helping with directions to the restrooms; providing a pack of tissues, cough drop, or Band-Aid as needed; or helping find dropped items.  Ushers also help by taking on small, impromptu tasks as requested by the minister or other officiants so they can focus on preparing for the service.  You may not know that they ushers count the number of people who attend the service, and they pick up items left behind after the service to keep the sanctuary neat.  If you are interested in being shown how to be able to help in this wonderful ministry, contact the church office.

PS.  Note that this can be a great ministry to do together as a couple or family with kids and is a perfect fit for extroverts or introverts who want to work on being more "extroverty".