Annual Report 2022
Pastoral Care Report
As God’s disciples, the Pastoral Care committees work to care for individuals and families in our community. This care spread’s God’s love to the care givers as well as those individuals families and friends who are cared for. There are several groups that come under this heading:
Prayer Tree (renamed this year from its past name as the Prayer chain) is a group of people who pray for people who request prayers,. The Prayer Tree is different than the way that we publicly pray for the people who are on our list each week in the Prayers of the People prayed during the weekly worship service. The prayers are done by individuals in their homes during their personal prayer time. The people who are prayed for can be part of our St. James’ community or family members or friends or even concerns. It is a blessing to the group to see the power of prayer as people share the results.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors are individuals who are licensed and trained to bring communion to people’s homes or bedsides who cannot attend church. The visit includes a shortened communion service with the delivery of bread and wine and prayers are offered. Often, information about the church service, the church community or the sermon is also shared so that the people feel up to date and know they are not forgotten.
In 2023 we hope to return to regular team meetings to support this important work.
Meals of Comfort – When requested, this group provides a meal for someone who is ill or isolated. Members say that it warms our hearts to provide a meal and for the recipients to know they are remembered and cared for. These helpful volunteers also provide food for Carol’s Closet Saturdays, the Blood Drives, and parish meetings.
Submitted by Gail Lebert and Janet Dunston
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