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St. James' Glastonbury
Episcopal Church

Carol's Closet Annual Report 2022

Carol’s Closet
2022 Annual Report

Carol’s Closet Mission: Respond to human need through loving service, in partnership with local faith-based
Carol’s Closet provides paper goods and personal care items for low-income households, in order to make a
difference in the lives of the people we serve. With 2022 ending, Carol’s Closet completed eight years of service
to the community. This ministry is making a difference in the lives of our neighbors in Glastonbury.
The following are some statistics from the Closet:
 Since we opened, we have given 39,716 items in 6,343 bags, serving 11,198 individuals (based on household size.
 In addition to the bags we give, Carol’s Closet receives numerous donations of household goods and
clothing. Everything that is donated is also offered to our guests and is given free of charge.
 The Congregational Church in South Glastonbury offers a ministry of pet food and pet supplies, and has
continued to do so at each of our monthly distributions.
 As a result of the pandemic and now inflationary economics we can expect more need than we have experienced in the past. The Food Bank now has over 160 households requesting assistance each month.
We continue to collaborate and network with our faith-based community in Glastonbury who devotedly offer their loving support. Our partners in this ministry are:
 Buckingham Congregational Church
 Congregational Church in South Glastonbury
 Congregation Kol Haverim
 First Church of Christ Congregational
 St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
 The Lutheran Church of St. Mark
The Glastonbury Food Bank and Glastonbury Social Services are community organizations we have networked and collaborated with, in order to identify individuals and families who would benefit from Carol’s Closet. Word of mouth by our guests continues to be our best marketing tool.

The ministry of Carol’s Closet serves God’s Mission as Jesus was reported to have said in Matthew, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters, you did for me.” We follow that command and treat all of our guests with love, kindness, dignity, and compassion.

My dream for Carol’s Closet is that we can grow and serve other towns in our immediate area.
I would also like to thank all who have supported this ministry through contributions of time, talent, and treasure.
Our lives will be forever changed, and we are unsure what Carol’s Closet will look like in the future; but believe