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St. James' Glastonbury
Episcopal Church

Pastoral Care Meeting

Thursday, November 30th
7:00pm – 8:30pm

St. James' Meeting Room/Zoom
2584 Main Street 
Glastonbury, CT 06033
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Gail Lebert is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Pastoral Care Meeting - St. James' Glastonbury
Time: Nov 30, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Passcode: 2m1Jrb


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Meeting ID: 648 555 3807
Passcode: 759336

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Agenda for the Nov. 30th Meeting:

What is Pastoral Care at St. James’ ?

Lay Eucharistic Visitors

Meals to people for comfort

Notes to parishioners

Prayer Tree Team

What else? 

Who are we visiting and caring for now?

How do we want to care for each other in the future? 

Who else should be included in this ministry? 

What else do we need? 

St. James' has many gifted people who are willing to help those children of Christ who are in need of Pastoral care.  This includes the Lay Eucharistic Visitors, people who are willing to offer meals or transportation, people praying both in confidence for needs and openingly as a community, and of course our new priest - in -charge, Matt Handi.   At the Ministry Fair, we had some new people who are interested in learning more about this ministry.  

On Thursday, November 30th at 7pm in the  St. James' meeting room and on Zoom, we will meet to talk about how we are serving people in need of pastoral care, and ways to  care for our community. Please join us!!!  For more information, please contact Gail Lebert, glebert14@gmail.com.