Stewardship Annual Report 2022
Stewardship Report
This year’s Annual Campaign was based on the National Church’s materials and theme which highlighted the ways in which we have been blessed by God with “More than Enough” for our own needs. The program invited us to recognize our blessings and to give back to furthering God’s work in the world. It was a challenging year for stewardship at St. James’ as we transitioned from the restrictions of Covid concerns. We also faced the change from employing a full-time rector to employing a part time Priest In Charge . While many see this as an exciting time, others are uncertain.
Thank you to all those who have read the stewardship materials and have been moved to give back in gratitude for the blessings received. Completing an Intention of Gift card is an enormous benefit for the finance committee and vestry in planning and setting the
budget for the coming year. Because each family’s financial circumstances are different and can change from year to year, completing a card can help – even if your offering is not what you gave last year, or not as much as you want to give.
In whatever way you choose to give, online, in person during the passing of the plate, by mail, all in one gift or weekly gifts, thank you. Please know that the leadership and Vestry are careful in the way they spend your support of God’s work, We appreciate all those whose generous gifts will enable the church to continue God’s work in the coming year.
If you are interested in learning more about stewardship at St. James’, please contact Jeannette Brown.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeannette L. Brown
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